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Minnesota Has the 3rd Highest Trafficking Rate in the US, According to the FBI

Human trafficking is a public safety, public health, and human rights abuse that occurs around the world and in communities throughout Minnesota. Human trafficking includes both labor and sex trafficking and international and domestic victims.

Minnesota Statistics

The FBI has identified the Twin Cities as 1 of 13 U.S. cities with high incidents of child prostitution.​

Those entering prostitution in Minnesota are the average age of 13

Within 48 hours of being homeless, youth are exposed to exploitation/trafficking.

Studies in Minnesota show 14-20% of high school youth have engaged in sexual activities in exchange for food, shelter and money

What in Minnesota has given opportunity to trafficking?

Broader Statistics


Human Trafficking is a 150 billion per year industry, same as the annual revenue of Costco.


Every 26 seconds a child is sold.


of victims report being offered help while “in the life”


of victims report rarely being offered help.


of sex trafficking victims were recruited by a family member


of sex trafficking victims were recruited by an intimate partner or marriage proposition


of interviewed females reported physical attacks by their purchaser. 23% report broken bones and 2% went into coma.

Our Solution

Reduce exploitation and trafficking in Minnesota

Minnesota Good Works accomplishes this through our enrichment program, which aids survivors’ transition out of exploitation and/or trafficking, and restoration.